Did you know?
• Approximately 25% of all students in college have at least one child between the ages of 0-17.
• At MSU, student parents are estimated to comprise between 3-5% of the total student population. These numbers are possibly under reported as student parents must self-identify.
• Single mothers are less likely than their peers to complete college. (Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 2017)
• Student parents who connect with other student parents and the Student Parent Resource Center find peer and social support to help them succeed at MSU.
• Student parents can and do graduate with similar or higher grade point averages than their non-parent student peers.
• Children of college graduate are 10x more likely to attend college and live well above the poverty line.
Do you know a current or future student parent at MSU? Help connect them with the Student Parent Resource Center!
Upcoming Events
SPRC Fall Welcome
SPRC would like to invite you to attend with your families to the 2023 Student Parent Fall Welcome. This will be an awesome time of fellowship for you and your family. A time to meet the SPRC staff, other student parent families, as well as receive some campus and community resources that will hopefully be helpful as you continue to balance your school/work/family life.
When: Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Where: University Village Community Center (event field near playground)
Time: 4:30pm – 7:00pm
Food, games, resources, music, bounce houses, clown & more!!!
Make sure to mark your calendar & RSVP to attend by completing the google doc here! Registration will open for this event Tuesday, August 1, 2023.
RSVP Deadline: Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 3:00pm.
We hope to see you there!!!